Tuesday, 28 September 2010
King & Queens (An old aide memoir from my school-days finally put down on paper)
Stephen, Henry, Richard One
Henry, Edward One Two Three,
Richard the second & Henry One V
York and Lancaster go to war,
Henry deposed by Edward Four.
Edward Five was never crowned,
Richard the Third was murdered found.
Henry, Henry he put his wives to death,
Edward, Mary, Elizabeth,
James then Charles who lost his head,
(Olivier Cromwell ruled instead)
And when the civil War was through
Came Charles the second and JamieTwo.
William and Mary of the orange clan
Quickly followed by good Queen Anne.
Georges One Two Three and Four
William and Victorior
Edward, George and Edward Eight
Then George the Sixth ‘cos he abdicates.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Joined At The Hip
Tories back in Maggies den

Cutting jobs & raising tax
Hand in hand they smile & grin
"What a mess they left the country in
"We'll sort it out it won't be pretty
In fact there's nothing in the kitty."
New ideas new politics
The country's ills they can fix
Let the rich grow even more
To keep them warm we'll burn the poor!
Gordon promised a Fair for all
Thrilling rides & crashing falls
So many castles built on sand
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Leaders Debate
'Leaders spout in rehearsed debate,
Volcanic ash seals travellers fate.
Performed so bad he's on the floor
Supporters said he won the score.
"I agree with Nick" he says aloud
Acquiescing to the crowd.
Smiles & handshakes hide the fear,
"We might have to work with this guy here
Can't upset the Liberal man,
(But I don't agree with his Trident ban )"
Might need to form a coalition
Furthering political ambition.
Mps expenses all forgotten?
Parliament all but rotten
Vote for change, vote for me
"The future won't be pain free"
Taxes up & jobs cut again
Does it matter who's gets in number ten?
"I'm working class, Honest Guv!"
I'm voting for None of the Above!
Thursday, 1 April 2010
The Old Man
of that poor lonely cripple with his cane.
Monday, 22 March 2010
Those Who Are Perfect
Sunday, 21 February 2010
The City
Friday, 19 February 2010
The Bishop
Waves his hand in mock goodbye.
The bells peel out; the choir all sing,
Priest stoops to kiss the sacred ring.
Purple,scarlet robes of glory,
If only the vestments could tell a story
Congregation mumble a forgotten hymn
And hide the truth from deep within.
Distrust and envy, disgust and hate!
Critiscm that cannot wait.
Ignore the bible s' written word,
A family life that seems absurd.
Darkness fills where light once shon,
Empty churches, prayers all gone.
Modern thinking says that it’s okay
'God doesn't mind if the Bishops gay'
Friday, 5 February 2010
Moral Compass
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
The Little Grey Men
The little grey men look down on you,
He’s eloquently able to put over his case.
Friday, 22 January 2010
The Ebbing Tide of Surf
like a waterfall of laughter,
He thought of the promises
broken and smashed,
and the girl with the garland thread
in her hair was smiling.
while the sun sleeps in its shell.
The pavement stones
are painted like some mosaic dream,
and the girl with the rainbow
smile was standing alone.
the end of another phase,
a week end web unwinding,
while work stands still,
and the girl with the crystal
cut eyes was laughing.
approached the midnight quarter,
the white cloaked figure crept
from the shadows of revelry
and the girl with the ribbon
in her hair had gone
Thursday, 7 January 2010
The Child
ugly and cold.
The child crouches in her cot.
Wild, wild eyes
Silent and still.
The girl the world had forgot.
Black, black night,
Stark and silent.
Freedom lies within the mind.
Bright, bright day,
Sunny but wet.
And a peace that no-one can find.
Cold, cold stare,
Bitter but sweet.
Confusion reigns supreme.
Sad, sad life
Alone, unloved.
But not within her dreams
Sunday, 3 January 2010
The PM's P.M.
The Pms PM is back again
Artful wordsmith plans his move
Gets Gordon Brown into the groove
First lord of this & Lord of that
More titles than fit on his hat
Is he the power behind the throne
Or just another Labour crone ?
Its time he went back to Euroland
His friends can give a helping hand
Perhaps into media, radio or TV
His talents are endless,I’m sure you’ll agree
Acting could be his Jewel in the Crown
Or Boys from the Blackstuff.....
...(or should that be brown ?)
Friday, 1 January 2010
2010 A new decade?
Under the shadow of Big Ben at the dawn of twenty Ten;
Gordon back inside his den? Man Utd to win league again ?
All this money ,wealth & skill; creditors circling for the kill
If the banks don’t wreck us the icecaps will
What lies ahead, what fortunes hail .Labour or Tory both seem stale
New decade new start, new hope :More episodes of the UK soap.
Will anything really change at all ? Capitalism heading for a fall?
The poor still die while the rich have a ball
Under the shadow of Big Ben at the dawn of twenty Ten
More Mps to flaunt their wealth? Country suffers poorer health ?
Soldiers die in Afghanistan; trouble brewing in Iran
What else can the govenment find to ban ?
More abuse of human rights? Israel starts another fight?
Camera watch from every wall, Big Brother monitors every call
Climate watch ,G-Twenty two What difference will it make to you?
Is the future red or Blue?
(or perhaps even a hint of Orange?)