Sunday, 3 January 2010

The PM's P.M.

The year is now two thousand ten
The Pms PM is back again
Artful wordsmith plans his move
Gets Gordon Brown into the groove

First lord of this & Lord of that
More titles than fit on his hat
Is he the power behind the throne
Or just another Labour crone ?

Its time he went back to Euroland
His friends can give a helping hand
Perhaps into media, radio or TV
His talents are endless,I’m sure you’ll agree
Acting could be his Jewel in the Crown
Or Boys from the Blackstuff.....
...(or should that be brown ?)



DanSpeers said...

Applaud your success
And could not ask less
That to quickly access
Your PM's P. M. S.


DanSpeers said...

Applaud your success
And could not ask less
That to quickly assess
That is's your PM's P.M.S.